Saturday, December 6, 2008

star plot

An example of a star plot chart. The data is shown in three dimensions. often computer generated to show the variables and data. The variables are shown in spokes. A line is drawn between each variable to show the data of each variable. The chart shown is for car, showing year, horsepower, and other information.

correlation matrix

An example of a correlation matrix. Showing data, and its correlation to other data on the chart. The data on the vertical and horizontal are the same. Each data is charted to itself and the other sets of data to find a similar correlation.

similarity matrix

An example of a similarity matrix. It shows similarities between variables. It shows the corelation between data. The similiar the data the greater the correlation and the higher the values the greater correlation beween the data sets.

stem and leaf plot

An example of a stem and leaf plot. It is similiar to a histogram. The data is seperated to significant digits. the stem is the vertical dat on the right. The leaves are the data on left. This type of graph is less commonly used with the advent of computers and using histograms.

box plot

An example of a boxplot chart. Used to show data. The whiskers or lines drawn from each box is the distiguishing feature of this type of graph. The whiskers are a range in the data.


An example of a histogram. It is similiar to bilateral graph. The graph shows data with usually one variable. The variables are shown as bars. The data is shown in a distribution with the heights of the bar showing the data.

parallel coordinate graph

An example of a parallel coordinate graph. The graph is similiar to a scatterplot. The graph shows a variety of data and it shows the correlation of the data with variables. The visual shows statistics for a base ball player. Homeruns,walks, at bats etc..